The fast changing computer industry has created a huge gap. Security Standards are constantly changing with the need to keep up new vulnerabilities. By combining the data & voice networks has made management much easier, but has also allowed networks to be open for sophisticated intrusion techniques. Most business owners are not aware of how their companies could be infected without their knowing. Emergency fixes may become an immediate necessity, however the stress can be alleviated with proactive planning. A few of the more priority risks are with client-side software that remains unpatched and internet-facing websites that are vulnerable. There are three major categories of attacks, Reconnaissance Attacks, Denial of Service, and Access Attacks.
In addition to the above categories, the public network information is intercepted and isolated by major corrupt organizations that target companies to interfere with their financial growth. This is a fairly new trend with the onset of Internet Protocol (IP) for data and voice combined.
Since Security is such an important topic, BITS is dedicated to assist our customers with developing security policies and standards as well as educating our customers on this important topic. The security policy encompasses Acceptable Use Policy, Email & Communications Activities, Anti-Virus, Identity, Password, Encryption, Remote Access, Virtual Private Network, and Extranets. Each area requires careful thought and consideration in order to fully secure the client’s network and protect their assets.
A sample company’s analysis and preliminary solution to their security need at the bottom of this page in the form of a PowerPoint Presentation; entitled Security-Plan-Recommendation-Example
Benchmark IT Serviices use the state-of-the-art Camera system that integrates into your network, and is accessible via the cloud or remotely as configured.
Give us a call or email us today for a Security Evaluation. We also offer Security Awareness Trainings for customers. Send your request to
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